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Ma vie là!
13 avril 2013

Il grandit...

Petit NathaN grandit, grandit, grandit... Il aura bientôt ses 3 ans et demi et il en fait des choses!
- il ne met plus de couche la nuit
- il prend des cours de natation
- il reconnaît plusieurs lettres
- il adore aider en cuisine, mettre et débarrasser la table
- il adore se promener en trottinette ou à vélo
- il collectionne des instruments pour son orchestre(!)
- il choisit ses propres vêtements
- il parle français avec un meilleur accent que son père
- il a une mémoire d'éléphant et se souvient de tout un tas de choses incongrues

Petit NathaN is growing and growing and growing... He will soon be 3 1/2 and he does so many things!

- he doesn't wear nappies at night anymore 
- he has swimming lessons
- he recognizes several letters of the alphabet
- he loves helping in the kitchen, setting the table and clearing up
- he loves going out on his scooter or his bike 
- he has starting an instrument collection for his marching band (!)
- he like to choose his own clothes 
- he speaks French with a better accent than his father 
- he has a huge memory and remembers all sorts of unusual things and events 


Ma vie là!