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Ma vie là!
25 août 2010

9 & 10 mois

Joyeux Annmoisiversaire mon Petit Prince: 10 mois deja!

P1170086 P1170096

P1170107 P1170112

Je suis sure que je ne suis pas la premiere a le dire (et pas la derniere!): comme le temps passe vite avec un bout d'chou! NathaN n'a pas encore 1 an, et deja il n'est plus "la petite boule" que nous avons rencontre il y a 10 mois! En 10 mois, il n'a pas arrete.

A 9 mois, :

  • il reconnait son prenom (en francais et en anglais)
  • il a decouvert la mer et le sable - Que de bonheur!
  • il a pris le ferry pour la premiere fois
  • il mange les memes plats que Papa et Maman
  • il a arrete son 4eme biberon - mon prefere! (celui ou je venais tard dans sa chambre sans le reveiller vraiment pour lui donner son biberon, et lui etait tout recroqueviller contre moi tout en me caressant le bras)

A 10 mois,:

  • il mange des sandwichs
  • il va a la creche (l'initiation: 2x 1h)
  • il a ete invite a sa premiere fete d'anniversaire
  • il a arrete son biberon de l'apres-midi, et prend un gouter a la place (Tatavine sera contente!)
  • il a 3 dents (2 en bas et 1 en haut)
  • il se brosse les dents
  • il offre/donne des objects a Papa et Maman

I'm sure that I'm not the first to say this (and I won't be the last!): how time flies when you have a little one! NathaN isn't 1 yet, and already he isn't "the little ball" we first met 10 months ago! In 10 months, he hasn't stopped.

At 9 months, :

  • he recognises his name (both in French and English)
  • he has discovered the sea and the sand - What a joy!
  • he went on the ferry for the first time
  • he eats the same dishes as Papa et Maman
  • he has stopped his 4th bottle - my favourite! (the one when I would creep into his room late at night, and he was a little ball in my arm, and would caress my arm)

At 10 months,:

  • he eats sandwichs
  • he goes to nursery (well, twice, 1h)
  • he's been to his first birthday party and loved it
  • he's stopped his afternoon bottle, and has a snack instead (Tatavine will be pleased!)
  • he has 3 teeth (2 at the bottom and 1 at the top)
  • he brushes his teeth
  • he gives/offers objects to Papa et Maman
Happy 10 Nathan !<br /> Oui oui ça passe vite trop vite...
Ma vie là!